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Week 7 Refine Portal/ Light Streak FX


Updated: May 17, 2022

What I have done this week:

  • Refine portal and light streak effects.

  • Create different render passes for compositing such as heat distortion for Shot 1.

Goals for next week:

  • Refine the portal based on the mentors' feedback.

  • Hopefully figure out what's wrong with rendering on the render farm.

  • Focusing on refining portal in shot 2.

  • Create different render passes for Shot2.

While positioning the portal I was following the animation of the portal, but it is positioned too to the left. Therefore, Alexis did a quick trick of moving the camera and set to the left, so the motorcycle would appear more to the right. I couldn't have the render on time because I have trouble rendering on the render farm, but here's a flipbook of the new position.

The first thing I had to adjust is the alpha in the render is too low, so it is not looking right in the render, and there is more work has to do in the compositing. Therefore, I increase the amount of particles, and point scale in order to increase the alpha channel in the render. Additionally, I also changed the emission of the particles because the high light was not looking bright enough when composite over the original footage.

For the light streak FX, I increase the samples for the simulation, so it looks more smoother. Additionally, I also increase the transformation of the turbulent noise and the force of the pop attract to make each light streak shorter and move faster.

The third thing I added this week is different render passes. Since the particulates at the outside of the portal are too visible after compositing, I create three different render passes of different amount of particles at the edge, so Mich can have more control. I did this by grouping points by pscale. Since the particles are getting smaller as they age, I can group the particles that are too small and then delete them. I create three different passes with deleting the particles below different pscale.

Another render pass I created this week was a pass for heat distortion. Since creating heat distortion in nuke needs a green and red color noise, I rendered out a green and red version of the portal. Although it is not necessary to have green and red version of the portal to create heat distortion, it is better to create one in order to get the distortion to move in the direction of the particles of the portal.

I duplicated a few different layers of the simulations I had, but I sim with a lower amount of particles since what I need is a render with less particles and bigger pscale instead of a lot of small particles. In order to give it color, I added a pop color inside of the popnet to randomly assign color between green to red. After that, I added is a point wrangle node to adjust the pscale. I didn't find a way to make the particles render as disks not sphere, so I assign a toon shader instead of a normal principle shader.


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