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Project 1: What if...?


Updated: Apr 7, 2022

The main goal of the first project in VSFX 406 concept development class is to open our creativities. At the first day of class, the professor ask us to bring something interesting to show and tell in class. The object I brought to class is a green pencil case made by the shoe company Crocs. I had the pencil case for a very long time since I was in elementary school.

After we show our object to the classmates, we have to come up with different creative ideas and stories of the object. Here are my idea and sketches.

The Dagger Storage Box of the Ancient Egyptian Crocodile God Sobek

What if the pencil case was actually the ancient artifact of the Crocodile Egyptian God Sobek? Sobek is the crocodile god of the Nile River, the patron god of the military, and the protector of pharaohs. The pencil case was Sobek's dagger storage box which he carried with him every day. As he passed away, the box had been mummified with his body, and now it has been displayed with other mummies and Egyptian artifacts in the British Museum. It is also one of the objects that the Egyptian government wants the British Museum to return the most since the box has yet to be opened, and people believe the dagger of the crocodile god Sobek is still inside of the box. Additionally, conspiracy theorists are discussing who wrote the name "Kyle" on to the box? Is it time traveler? or the box is actually an alien weapon that is going to kill all humanity after it has been opened?

Crocs' newest product: The Sandals Pencil Case

What if Crocs really made a crocs pencil case sandals? The most popular and iconic product from Crocs is and always has been the sandals. After the huge success of their new product crocs pencil case, they decided to combine their new innovation with the classic design. The Sandals pencil case was born. The sandals pencil case includes practicality, comfort, and aesthetics. The new invention lets students never have to worry about their pencil case being full! The double storage design creates an unprecedented storage opportunity and completely fulfills the idea of "Buy one get one free" with no extra conditions. Moreover, you will never need to borrow pens with the special portable designs. You can always bring your favorite pen wherever you go and even becomes the one lending pens to others. Not to mention the detail in the fashionable design. You will immediately gain a few inches of height while wearing the crocs sandals pencil case. It is the perfect sandals or pencil case for the attention seekers in the classroom or at work.

How It was really made

How the crocs pencil case is really made? People might think it was made with a mold, but it is not the case. It is actually a product of torture. They were just green boxes that are living their best life in the heaven. However, a criminal gang Cruel Recreation Opportunity Creator Society, the CROCS, kidnaped them from haven and then send them to hell as testing subjects for their experiment. The members of the CROCS, the creators, will use a heated metal stick to poke through the poor green box's body. They enjoy torturing and watching creatures from the heaven die. After the green box passed away, they would prepare the body for drying. The process is that they will cut threw the green box's body from the side and take all the guts out and sew back the opening. The CROCS creator who performed the activity will then sign their name on the body. The final dried body will then be sent to the earth to sell for profit.


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